I grew up in Boca Raton, Florida USA. I was always the quiet kid with more imagination than friends. A good book or science magazine was all I needed. While in high school we had to contest in English class and each student was given a random photograph and told to spend the hour writing a short story. Mine made an impression on the teacher, not a good one, as she had me redo the assignment with a different picture to rule out plagiarism. I passed her test. After graduating, I attended University of Florida and studied Journalism. Even though I did not end up in my preferred career I have worked in management positions in several different industries. Currently I am a property manager for a large corporation. I can play the piano and write music. I am happily married living on the coast. I am exploring writing once again for the first time in years and enjoying the process.
Joined: October 2020
Submissions: 8
Word Count: 26,737
Total reading time: 2h 14m
Views: 142