Welcome back to the website I formerly knew a few years ago.
I rediscovered this site by researching my name on Google.
As a search engine, it is a valuable tool, for both
creative writers and poets alike. Let's just face it:
I have always loved to write. I was not in love
with either spelling or type writing.
This computer happens to help me
uncovers the errors of my ways,
and means.
I never formally studied the art form of poetry.
I consider my self a self-taught inspirational
Christian poet.
Poetry is a gift my creator God freely given unto
me. It helps me by uplifting me,
by combating depression and stress anxiety.
For much too long, the mentally ill
have been the outcasts of society!
Why not wake up and smell the roses,
of the wonderful world of poetry.
Making this world a better place,
giving people a better life.
I need to thank my personal
LORD and savior, Jesus Christ!
Love as always!
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
aka Roxy54/October Country
July 17, 2016