
by Chad Nelson

When I was younger, my uncle Samuel told me a story he'd heard years ago in the military. One of his squad members was also, from the Pacific Northwest; they developed a brother hood. Chris was the only military friend my uncle stayed in contact with over the years.

He said one of Chris's neighbors a young couple that was obsessed with the outdoors, they would go camping almost every other weekend. Then out of nowhere, they placed their camper and ATV's up for sale.

They meticulously put up a tall fence surrounding their entire property; they also installed an excessive amount of security cameras.

Chris's, curiosity got the better of him one day, and asked his normally friendly neighbor; why they were making so many changes to their home.

The answer spread fear throughout their small Northwest town. Turns out his neighbor returned later than usual one Sunday afternoon. The moment they pulled into their driveway, they spotted an outdated vanilla envelope on the windshield of his wife's work car.

To their surprise there was only a flash drive inside the envelope, little did they know their lives would never be the same.

The flash drive contained only one large video file. It was a compilation of the young ccouples'life; camping trips, and numerous personal violations from within their home as they slept at night.

There was an ominous message left at the end of the video.

Your lives belong to me, you're only alive because I permitted it!

                              Chad T Nelson/2019

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