There was yet another prophecy yet to become fulfilled. It concerned the offspring of Prince Valiant Viennear and his bride Princess Vanessa Vandamere. Their children would be born with human sized butterfly fairy wings. Being also blessed with their very own magical wands. The three good fairy godmothers, Fiaria, Jasmine and Wendy would be present. They would bestow their gifts upon their unborn children. After they were born of course.
They would uniquely human and also part butterfly fairy. They were to become a hybrid species. Residing in peaceful tranquility and harmony. There were no wars or no rumors of war. The art of warfare was unheard of in the enchanted kingdom.
The curse of deprivation and poverty were non existent in this Utopian environment. There were no carnivorous people nor beasts nor birds of prey. All of the creatures lived in harmony with each other and mankind.
The terrible world of evil was not there. And Satan had neither dominion nor principality of darkness in high places. Neither his fallen angels, demons or lost souls of mankind were admitted! There was no tree of the knowledge of good and evil nor forbidden fruit for the people to eat. No cunning serpent being there was used as his temptation! The enchanted kingdom was never cursed!
The inhabitants willing worshiped and praised God because they loved him. He was their special audience of only one!
Love as always,
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea 1954
Roxy 1954/ October Country
May 28, 2020