Esohe stood by a bridge side with a trigger on her right hand attempting to end her life. Her life has been nothing short of pain and trauma. At age seven, she was sexually abused by her father. When she complained to her mom, she never believed. Her father continued this act until thirteen, when she decided to leave home. She found shelter on the street and started taking hard drugs. First, she started with marijuana then cocaine and methamphetamine. She became so addicted to the extent of trading sex for hard drugs. On the street were different generations of people, who had gotten so depressed with their lives. She encountered an orphan who has also been sexually abused by her uncle. Another woman got so depresssed after being jilted by her husband. Yet another, abandoned by his parents. Everyone on the street has his or her stories.
Esohe found love on the street. Ebagua by name. He has lived on the street all his life since the death of his parents. He sells drugs and dreamt of returning to school. He has always dreamt of being a lawyer. He felt pitied when he heard her story. Their love began to grow. Not only was he handsome but intelligent. They sleep together in a tent he constructed. One morning, Ebagua set off to sell his drugs. He was called by one of his clients to meet him at a checkpoint. Esohe was surprised to see him in a pool of blood. She cried bitterly all day. It was as if her life has been shattered beyond repair. To this reason, she became more addicted each time she remembers their few moments.
"Why is life so unfair?” She often asked herself.
To stay away from her loneliness, she became friends with one of the addict. Lilian by name. She was a tall, dark, skinny girl, who was abused by both her father and uncle. Like Esohe, she had a terrible childhood. She dropped out of school at Grade eight, when she could no longer cope with her family. They became close friends and often gets each other’s back. Lilian told her she got into drugs at eleven. She was taught by one of her class mate and since then she always gets high.
"Its my way of killing depression.” She says.
Lilian introduced her to prostitution. Though, Esohe has often gotten a fling but has never really thought of prostitution. They sneak into clubs and return to the street. The money they make was still spent on drugs. This continued for sometime until Lilian was picked in the night for a fling. That was her last moment. She was never seen again. Three days later, someone told her she was killed in an hotel. She became heart broken.
"What else does she need from life when people she loves are being killed?" She cried bitterly.
She made up her mind of committing suicide. Therefore, she stood at a bridge, flashing back at her miseries, pains and hopelessness. Suicide isn’t the best way to end it all but there are pains more than the mind could bear. She looked at the flowing river and its ripples. Suddenly, she pulled the trigger and was soon found struggling in her pool of blood. The sky soon became enshrouded in darkness.