Whitney had gotten ready that morning as early as she could. Her workout attire was neatly pressed. She was eagerly anticipating the inter-house sport at her school. She instructed her mother to be there before leaving. Her father had left for work.
Despite being extremely busy, her mother eventually showed up to the event after missing the previous one. She sat down with other parents who also attended the event at the Agege Township Stadium. Parents and kids were enjoying the sports in the arena, which was packed. Whitney's mother, Mrs. Blessing Adeniran, kept a close eye out for her daughter among the attendees. She reasoned that she should be with her peers. She greeted Mrs. Amao, the head instructor, as she passed by.
However, she started to feel uneasy as time passed because she couldn't find her among the guards who were parading. This sparked apprehension. She walked across the street to the side of the street to ask if anyone had seen her daughter. A bus sped by her as she was in this perplexed condition. She questioned how the motorist could have been so negligent.
She asked one of the pupils,
“Please, have you seen my daughter?”
What is her name ma? The boy politely enquired.
“Whitney.” She answered.
"Whitney! The boy cudgels his brain. A female student just passed out a moment ago, when she unintentionally grabbed a wire from a popcorn maker, she became electrocuted. Whitney is her name. She was doused with water before being transported to a medical facility.” He explained.
Her nervous heart pounded, and she sweated. The rivulet of sweat made dark circles under her arms as it also beaded her brow. Some adrenalines burst into veins and her knees went weak.
She displayed the image to him from her white android phone.
"Yes, ma." He responded.
She cried out loudly. Splash of anger crossed her face
Her daughter was lying inside the vehicle that had earlier sped past her. She called her spouse to the scene as she sobbed uncontrollably. Whitney was taken urgently to Agege Medical Centre, a tiny clinic amid squalor that lacked appropriate medical equipment and trained medical personnel. Her breathing had ceased, and her body had turned black. Her mother tried to find the facility. When she got there, she found her daughter silently and helplessly lying on a wooden bed. She is gone, the doctor said. Rolling on the ground, she prepared herself for the agony. Her chest ached because of the discomfort.
Although there was constant sympathy, the suffering was too great. She asked the school supervisor what happened, but he claimed that her daughter had been sick a lot, which the mother refuted. The administrator of the school continued to play games to preserve their image rather than offer a prompt apology and reveal the cause of the death. Her parents filed a lawsuit in the matter. According to the results of a postmortem, she was electrocuted rather than having an underlying disease. Justice was ultimately done. The school was closed and fined. Most parents removed their children. The school's image slowly declined, but Whitney, who was young, vibrant, and intelligent, would never put on those stunning dresses and attain those dreams once more. The atrocities committed by some beasts dressed as people made the Heavens weep.