Double Doings

by Juicy1


Drawing on memories of long ago.

It was at a friend's home. His folks were visiting relatives out of town. We had popped a porn vid into the player and were watching a beautiful woman getting fucked. Most of us had dropped our pants and were jacking off slowly to prolong the good feeling. As the camera closed in to show a big cock sliding in and out of that creamy pussy, the strokes started moving a little faster. Jerry slowly moved over closer and closer and finally was rubbing his cock on mine. Cum was oozing out of and it wet mine to make the sliding easier and feel better. I was getting harder and harder and then he dropped to his knees and started sucking me. It was the first time I had the sensation of cum being sucked out. It was a bigger load than ever and he just kept that sucking. I reached down and cupped my hand to catch a spurt of it then spread it on his cock and slowly jacked him off until he came with multiple powerful squirts on my hand and his cock. We were done, lay back on the couch to watch the rest of the video with our sleeping cocks.

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