Eternal Reckoning: The Demigod and the First Murderer

by Scott Johnson


Greek Demigod, Mikael Shadows, and Cain, the first murder battle each other in 1007 AD.

In the year 1007 AD, the tranquil night air was pierced by the crackling of a campfire, its flames casting long shadows across the forest clearing. Mikael Shadows, a demigod of immense power, lay sleeping nearby, unaware of the ancient evil that approached. The scent of burning wood had drawn an unexpected visitor – Cain, the world's first murderer, cursed with immortality for slaying his brother Abel millennia ago.

The Encounter

As Cain stepped into the firelight, the earth trembled beneath his feet. Mikael's eyes snapped open, his demigod senses alerting him to danger. Before him stood a figure from legend, his eyes glinting with malice, a crude dagger clutched in his hand.

Mikael reacted with superhuman speed, closing the distance between them in an instant. With a swift motion, he grasped Cain's neck and twisted, the sickening crack echoing through the forest. But as Mikael stepped back, something extraordinary happened – Cain's body began to twitch, bones realigning, life flooding back into his broken form.

The Immortal's Curse

Mikael watched in disbelief as Cain rose, his neck now fully healed. "What manner of creature are you?" Mikael demanded, his voice a mixture of awe and revulsion.

Cain's lips curled into a bitter smile. "I am the cursed one, condemned to walk this earth for eternity. And you, godling? What are you that you can kill me, even for a moment?"

"I am Mikael Shadows, son of gods and mortals," Mikael replied, his stance wary. "A demigod with power over life and death."

Recognition flickered in Cain's eyes. "A demigod... Then perhaps you can grant me what I truly seek – an end to this cursed existence."

The Battle of Immortals

What followed was a battle that shook the very foundations of the earth. Cain, driven by desperation and millennia of pent-up rage, fought with a ferocity that matched Mikael's divine strength. Trees splintered under the force of their blows, the ground cracked and heaved, and the night sky blazed with otherworldly energies.

For hours they fought, neither able to gain the upper hand. Mikael's godly powers allowed him to heal almost instantly, while Cain's curse ensured he rose from every fatal blow. As dawn broke, both stood bloodied and panting, the forest around them a scene of utter devastation.

A Moment of Understanding

In the stillness that followed, Cain spoke, his voice weary beyond measure. "You have the power to end this, demigod. Grant me the death I have sought for thousands of years."

Mikael, his own body aching from the battle, shook his head. "It is not my place to undo the punishment of the divine. Your curse is not mine to lift, Cain."

Rage contorted Cain's features, but beneath it, Mikael saw something else – an exhaustion that went beyond the physical, a soul-deep weariness that spoke of endless centuries of suffering.

The Hunt Begins

Denied his request for oblivion, Cain vanished into the wilderness, his mind consumed by a new purpose. If he could not die by the hand of a demigod, perhaps killing one would finally bring about the divine retribution he craved. For weeks, he tracked Mikael across the land, studying his movements, learning his habits.

Mikael, aware of the danger that followed him, tried to lose his pursuer. He traveled through dense forests, scaled treacherous mountain passes, and crossed raging rivers. But always, Cain was there, a shadow at the edge of his perception.

The Village of Innocents

More than a hundred miles from their initial encounter, Mikael found himself in a small village, hoping to rest and resupply. As night fell, he sensed a familiar presence – Cain had found him once more.

This time, there would be no quiet confrontation in the wilderness. Cain, maddened by his unending existence and the denial of his death wish, attacked with unbridled fury. The village became a battleground as the two immortal beings clashed.

Chaos and Destruction

Buildings crumbled under the force of their struggle. Fires spread from house to house, fed by the dry summer heat. Villagers fled in terror, their screams adding to the cacophony of destruction. Mikael fought not only to defend himself but to protect the innocent lives caught in the crossfire.

Cain, beyond reason, used the chaos to his advantage. He hurled burning debris at Mikael, used fleeing villagers as human shields, and fought with the desperation of a man with nothing left to lose.

The Portal to the Underworld

As the battle reached its crescendo, Mikael realized that this could not continue. The mortal world was not meant to withstand the clash of such powerful beings. Drawing upon his deepest reserves of power, he began to chant in an ancient, forgotten tongue.

The air shimmered and tore, revealing a swirling vortex of darkness and otherworldly energies. Mikael had opened a portal to the underworld, a prison realm created by the gods for the most dangerous of creatures.

With a final, herculean effort, Mikael grappled with Cain, lifting the struggling immortal off his feet. "You sought punishment, Cain," Mikael growled. "Now you shall have it for all eternity."

With that, he hurled Cain into the portal. The first murderer's scream of rage was cut short as the vortex sealed behind him, trapping him in the realm of eternal torment.

Aftermath and Redemption

As the portal closed, an eerie silence fell over the burning village. Mikael, exhausted and wounded, surveyed the destruction around him. Guilt weighed heavily upon him – these innocent people had suffered because of his presence.

Using the last of his strength, Mikael began to undo the damage. His divine powers extinguished the flames, mended broken structures, and healed those injured in the chaos. For days, he worked tirelessly, helping to rebuild what had been destroyed.

A New Purpose

As Mikael prepared to leave the restored village, an elder approached him. "You brought destruction upon us," the old man said, "but you also saved us and rebuilt our homes. What manner of being are you?"

Mikael considered the question carefully. "I am one who has learned a valuable lesson," he replied. "Power brings responsibility, and the actions of the mighty can have dire consequences for the innocent."

From that day forward, Mikael vowed to use his demigod abilities not for personal gain or glory, but to protect the mortal realm from supernatural threats. He would be a guardian, standing watch against the dark forces that lurked at the edges of human perception.

The Eternal Vigil

As centuries passed, legends grew around the figure of Mikael Shadows. Some spoke of a mysterious protector who appeared in times of great danger, vanquishing evil and disappearing just as quickly. Others whispered of a cursed being, doomed to walk the earth alone, forever battling the forces of darkness.

And in the deepest pits of the underworld, Cain raged against his imprisonment, his immortality now a true curse as he endured endless torment. Yet even in that realm of suffering, a small part of him felt a strange sense of peace – for the first time since that fateful day when he struck down his brother, Cain was exactly where he deserved to be.

Mikael, ever vigilant, continued his eternal watch over the mortal world. The encounter with Cain had taught him the true weight of immortality and the responsibility that came with his divine heritage. As long as evil threatened the innocent, Mikael Shadows would be there, a silent guardian against the darkness that forever sought to consume the light.

P.S. Mikael is pronounced the same as Michael.

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