Against the Law…

by bubbles


I just wanted to write this lol

I sighed

“Another boring day of work yay…”

I texted my friends. My blue anime background lit up and buzzed, lighting up the supply closet.

“You should go back to work and make some money lol,” she said.

I rolled my eyes knowing she was right. I grabbed my headphones and connected them to my iPod. Then I put them in my ears, picked up the broom, and left the supply closet. “I don't get paid enough for this,” I muttered under my breath. The cafe was quiet just like always, the usual customers came in and out, at a steady yet slow pace. There have never been more than 6 customers at the same time, in the 4 years I've been working here, but it pays the bills, so it works.

After a while I slowly slipped my hand under the desk and grabbed a croissant, nobody actually cared, they were all busy on their computers. The door swung open and a girl, the prettiest girl I have ever seen, walked towards me. She had long brown hair, down to her waist. She had tan skin, and olive eyes. She was wearing green cargo pants with straps and buckles, and she had an orange “made in the 90s” shirt on. Even though those clothes would NEVER look good together, when she wore them she looked beautiful. Her face rested on a tired expression and she had her hand in her pocket. She was so beautiful and she looked so cool.

“Do you have any more croissants?”

I swallowed the piece of food in my throat, as I realized she was waiting for a response.

“Uhh sorry we are out,” I said trying to seem cool and laid back, even though I was wearing a Starbucks shirt. I snapped out of it and said

“We do have other pastorates if you would like them”

“Sure! Do you have a hmm” She looked up at the menu and I quickly put the broom back in the closet, slamming the door as I do.

“I'll get the iced latte and the… beagle,” she said then looked at me with a slime. She smelled like blueberries, but that might just be the person eating a blueberry muffin behind her.

“Ya alright” I punched that into the machine and rushed to the back to heat up a bagel.


“Thank you,” she said, I gave her the bagel.

She looks about 16, same age as me, my bisexual ass was trying so hard not to seem gay, (being gay is illegal if I didn't mention it,) she seemed bi too, but I can't assume that. She paid in cash and as she left holding her bagel I realized I had forgotten her iced coffee. I was daydreaming too much, I rushed to make her coffee, spilling hot coffee on my shirt, after wiping it off (and getting it on the floor) I rushed out of the building and catch up to her.

“Wait up you- you forgot your drink” I stammered out of breath,

(I need to work out XD )

“Oh, thanks” She took the drink and slightly touched my hand. I notice she is listening to music, “what music are you listening to?” I asked just wanting to keep talking to her. I felt so cringe, like a love-sick puppy.

“Oh crank that. By Soulja Boy”

“Wait I love that song omg” I stammered out excitedly

“Really? That's my favorite song!”


“Hold up I have to go but here, this is my house number, see you around, wait what was your name?” My heart skipped a beat. She just gave me her number!!

“Oh I’m Jillian what's your name?” I say trying to seem cool.

“Oh I'm Daisy, well Jillian call me later I have to go bye!!”

My heart skipped a beat and I started blushing as she walked away, the busy streets of NYC seemed to fade away, and all I could focus on was how her long brown hair flowed in the wind as she walked away, excitedly I walked back inside, trying to act casual, the second I get inside the cold air exploded in my face. I tried to act normal though because I would probably get arrested if I seemed weird. When I get home I IMMEDIATELY go online and tell my friend about what happened.

“Girl you can't be bi! What if the government, or worse your family found out!”

“I know I know but she was so pretty, and- wait what do you mean?”

“Did you not here? The government added this new thing where if a family member is part of LGBTQ then they can turn them in for 1,000 dollars”

My head feels like it is a bubble that got popped.

“ONE THOUSAND DOLLORS?????!!!!!” I say in disbelief

“I know right?”

“Well, then what can we do about it?”

“I mean idk search it up” My mind started racing I grabbed my computer and started searching.

“How to change something you don't like in politics”

No results

“How to change laws”

My computer floods with answers but only one catches my eye.

My face lit up with ideas

“I'll be at your house in 10’’

I rush out of the house forgetting to put on shoes, I head back in and grab my sandals then I rush to the car and start driving. I swear I was going 100 in a 25 zone, but I made it there in 5 minutes. My mind races with ideas,

“We should start a petition!” I yell the second I get to her house.

“Woh woh who- what's that?”

“Basically if people sign then we can change the law!”

A few months go by and we have over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND signatures, and we actually got in contact with THE PRESIDENT!!!! But since he is against the idea, nothing is actually going to happen. I can't let Daisy know though, or she will-

Ring ring

Someone calling me. I recognize the caller ID and pick up

“Uh hi Daisy”

“OMG OMG okay I have some TEA!”

“Oh okay what is it” My head flutters with ideas

“OMG okay, so this one cute guy was at the store and…”

I zone out. Cute guy? She likes guys?... I don't hear the rest of what she said. I had to stop.

“And so he asked me-”

“Uh Daisy… I- I have to go.”

“Oh okay I’ll tell you tomorrow by-”

I hang up and drop the phone. The room seems cold and empty, even though there are so many things happening. Hot tears run down my face. One, Two… three next thing you know I’m lying on my couch crying. Next thing I know it's the morning.

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