First Day of Spring

by Pep


Spring Day Events, mishaps of the morning

Hello my fellow humans, and what a Spring day it is, the sun is beating down on the planet, in England at least, and the birds are chirping, the daffodils are beaming and bright in the sunlight and hope fills the air. Hope of a brighter day, hope of a lighter future, hope for the world. My day began walking the dog up to the beach, the dog loves a morning walk, then off to work I go, I parked to get my lunch from Tesco and a car started backing onto me and if i hadn't reversed he would have backed right into me, so I drove off and parked in another spot! Now my over active brain started questioning was this a tactic to make me move, as he could see I was in the car, usually I would have thought about this most of the day, however, challenge two was about to hit. I perused the items in the shop, even-though I know what I am going to buy, as it is the same stuff every day and despite me thinking I will challenge myself with some salad and fruit, it's always a Starbucks (£3 if you purchase it on it's own) or £3.60 meal deal so i always have to buy the sandwich and snack eventhough I don't want a sandwich and snack, I feel its obligatory to obtain the best value! Anyhow, as i wanted a cold Starbucks, the grand one (330ml), i reached to the back and in doing so knocked the perilous teetering one off the top shelf, which then smashed on the floor spraying my foor and trouser. Now my dilemma was to admit the mistake i had made, as another shopper witnessed this event, or nonchalantly inform the staff a big spillage had occurred. I approached a tesco member who was discussing smoking with a customer, i felt i had waited long enough to inform them of the mishap, as i explained it had fallen. I paid for my goods and left the store with my sodden foot and trouser leg and began to wonder what the third incident would be, we wait to see, so far I have not walked under any ladders or seen any banana skins strewn in my path. Now the problem i have is the weather i see the sun, i see a blue sky and barbecue pops up into my head, the BBQ lies forlorn black and gritty from its last year rust strewn across the lid where the cover was stripped bare and blew off it in the high winds, its such a confusing time from stew, soup and mash to salads and lighter bites the day is sunny and date night is frosty. Anyhow, thanks for reading I hope to improve but i saw this site and thought i'd share today events. Its International Happy Day so smile :-)

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