An Innocent Compliment

by Abhishek Pandey

An ingenuous compliment is a cute thing,

After all I am also a human being,

Lyric in a public place, I did not sing,

Nothing to disrepute did I bring!

Why do I feel criminal,

Is anybody's guess;

To return a compliment,

There are better ways!

May be I don't deserve it;

For better folks you reserve it!

You sure will get folks, handsome and smart,

And I wish I were true;

For feelings from the bottom of the heart,

I will top all the way through!

Like Churchill, if rewrite history I will,

I would mention you still,

Not as someone who took me non-sense,

But for whom I had feelings intense.

Kill me and you kill a lover,

Kill love and it's all over;

I request better kill me and declare:

Don't mess with me Ever!

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