The Girl Sees the Darkness

by Cameron Humphries

The Girl Sees the Darkness


Cameron Humphries

She ran. Nonetheless, the Darkness was still there. So, she ran. In the greatest city, in the World, she ran. The Darkness was closing and she was tired. Nonetheless, she ran. She ran for miles down alleys and back-lots. She ran down major highways and sidewalks. Nevertheless, the Darkness was still closing and the little girl was terrified. She wanted to stop and surrender, to plead, to cry. Nevertheless, something inside her told her to run and she ran.

It is curious that of a city of millions, there would not be a human being around to rescue her; she was in isolation. The Darkness was there still and it was becoming very dark. Around the corner she came upon a dead-end alley, she was trapped now had nowhere to run. As she turned, she saw a figure, a man of the Darkness. The figure was as dark as the Darkness; to say "he" was frightening would have been an understatement. The area was now very dark and she was trembling. The "man" was laughing and the sound was that of which was made by the damned. The little girl did not know how she knew this, Nevertheless she did.

There was no hope, no goodness in this World; why; how did I get here, she thought. Further, she screamed, "What do you want?" to this, the "man" did not answer a reply. She again screamed, "What do you want?" finally the "man" answered her and said, "I am the master of this World, this Universe, the master of numbers, of life, of death." There on his front jersey, she saw two sets of numbers; the first were the set 666. However, it was the second set of numbers that she feared the most. The little girl did not understand why she feared the second set of numbers more, but she did and this time she could not run.

To be sure, this second set of numbers was the symbol of evil, of death, of darkness. Many people will die because of what this number would later become and because of the second set of numbers the little girl cried in fear though she did not know why. However, she did know the fear had something to do with others not her and this made her tremble more. This set of numbers would be told for generations to come, both on this planet and planets that humans would colonize thousands of years from now. Numbers that would never be forgotten. Alien races would study these numbers for understanding of their human friends and of the aliens that were not friendly with humans, they would tremble at the massive scope of what these numbers would invoke. The blood, the death, and the horror of what this set of numbers would say to them and these alien races would understand this. Wars will be stopped and started because of these numbers and humans will be looked upon in both sorrow and horror by the other galactic races.

At this the "man" laughed and said, "There is no hope, these is no goodness, and there are no more heroes to save you or those that will expire because of me. God's children are so corruptible, they fight wars to kill themselves and they murder others because they can. What hope is there for you or your kind?" At this the little girl screamed and as she waited for the final deathblow, there was heard a sickening wet "thump".

Of this she opened her eyes and looked upon the "man" lying on the ground with an axe in his back. The type of axe that she had seen many of times in her home above the mantle of the fireplace. The same type of axe her father had died using to save others, an axe of pride. A fireman's axe! As she looked closer at the axe, she spied words on the blade of the axe, the words said, "Saviour of the Damned." Then she heard a buzzing sound, but she could not find where it was coming from; then she woke.

Her clock radio had woken her from the ugly nightmare she was having. On this clock radio, a news-report was telling of something happening in the city. Upon hearing this, she arose from the bed, ran outdoors, and again saw the Darkness that nobody else could see. It was horrible and she felt the fear returning. She ran down the street and it was there that Jenny came upon a teenage girl.

The teenage girl upon seeing the younger girl motioned and Jenny stopped and looked upon the older girl. Where the older girl said, "People will die this day. I have not forgotten you though, nor have they. A famous author once wrote that there are no more heroes, he is wrong of coarse. There are two types of heroes, you know. The heroes that people make and heroes like your father; those that believe in something and are willing risk their lives so that others may live. He loves you child remember that." At this Jenny ran and came upon the firehouse where she noticed the engines and the firemen were gone. Somewhere on a wall in the back of the firehouse, something caught her eyes. A calendar and on this she again spied the second set of numbers that was told of earlier, the numbers she feared of in her dreams. 9/11/2001.

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