The Sisters
I woke early this morning,
And took my coffee outside.
I sat in the garden
To watch the sunrise.
A lovely scene to appreciate
In silence and solitude,
From my bench
Hidden amongst the pines.
A breeze,
Running its tender fingers
Through my hair.
Kissing my skin,
Warming the air.
Whispering their secrets,
Sheltering me.
Simple pleasures,
Meant to feed me.
Urging me onward,
Completely free.
Precious moments
Of nothingness,
Granted to my soul
By the sisters,
Fate and Destiny,
Who willingly bestow
A canvas the have sketched upon,
Awaiting my artists pen
To darken the lines
They have penciled in.
urging me to finish
the opus they began.
My future.
Anything I want,
beginning with their plan.
Monica Charles, 2005