Fit to Rival My Ideal

by Kade Hill

A plain white tank top,

Hair tied back into a pony tail,

Crystal clear blue eyes,

Fit to rival the stars in the sky.

A cute button nose,

A smile to melt the heart and soul,

Freckles on her cheeks,

Fit to cause speech to quite simply cease.

The image conjured

Is quite different to all of us.

What might seem simple

Is no longer understandable.

Two off white buck teeth

Of a size not overly massive.

A shrill, piercing laugh

Able to offset even my better half.

Thin, upturned eyebrows

Give her a menacing appearance.

Short legs have allowed

Her to be easily lost in crowds.

What makes qualities

A negative or a positive?

What may attract some

Is to others the largest problem.

A humble, quiet,

And somewhat ethereal demeanor

Leaves her so lonely

And adds wonders to her mystery.

A caricature,

Quite simply, that's all it really is.


Makes everything nice and plain white.

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