Angharad has been in her flat 1 year
But that length doesn't seem
Her washing machine has given up and died
So here comes her new washy-sheen
Its coming tomorrow Angharad said
I'm paying through the telly
It won't waltz across the room
While washing clean what was smelly?
I can't remember to make of it
But I'm sure a posh one it will be
And if my machine goes on the blink
She'll lend the thing to me
Apparently because she's buying
The machine through the telly rental
Angharad getting some free towels
And new saucepans so she's gone mental
"I can see what I'm cooking
Or burning or creating you see,
And if it's edible or almost
I'll eat it for my tea"
So 3 cheers for the new washy-sheen
It will make her life complete
From washing all the tea towels
To the king-size bedroom sheets.
February 2004 Sally Ann Loveday