Excerpted from Ralph W. Emersons Illusions
Nature, on new instruments, hums her old tunes. At thick what I the sweet as farmer jury. But we still come back to our primers. Sentiments not is barons battles. An impertinence to break the chapter of fascinations.
Excerpted from R.W. Emersons poem Bacchus
Excerpted from Emersons poem Fragments
Wide so world.
The was therefore.
Abide house his.
In should each that.
None has who.
With well live to is.
One main the.
Uses wits all of.
Excerpted from Emersons writings on Henry David Thoreau.
The river on whose banks he was born opened his way to fortune. Visits were offered him from what creature had taken this path before him. His soul was made for the library was useless. His trenchant sense a photographic register of all he saw and heard. Though he meant to be just, he knew how to sit immovable. I wish for a horse-hair for my compass-sight the crackling of uncountable regiments. He drew out of his breast-pocket his diary. Wherever there is knowledge, he slighted and defied the opinions of others. Wherever there is virtue, he declined to give up. Wherever there is beauty, his presence was poetic. He was born in he will find a home.
An Address
Excerpted from Emersons An Address
Delivered Sunday, July 15th.
570 Joy Urge Interstate,
Moses, Utah 47682-1
Note: for these exercises, I was merely the scribe, the parcel, the editor. These are all Ralph Waldo Emersons original words (The quote in Autobiography is Henry David Thoreau). I merely used randomness and chance to chose which words went where and so on. Emerson was the muse, Chance was the artist, and I was the pen.