Silently I cry
As I wonder, why?
And how much more can I take?
How many more lies
Will I allow to befall your lips?
How many more times
Will I believe you,
Knowing fully in my heart
That I am no longer
Your one and only?
How many girls,
For they are girls not women,
Will you take into your arms
Before I've finally had enough?
How many knives wil I allow you
To stab into my heart
Before I decide the pain is
Too great, too much for my fragile soul to take?
How many?
How much longer will I smile,
Explaining away your many mysterious absences
And incriminating messages?
How much longer will I allow you
To keep lying and cheating?
How much more can this
Bruised and battered soul take
Before it breaks like shattered glass?
A million?
A billion?
A trillion?
Some unimaginable, yet to be created number,
That is how many.
And how long?