The alien arrives in a strange world , bewildered and lost .
It is thrown into mayhem and creatures who do not speak the same language .
The frequency level is misunderstood and the alien is ignored .
The alien is an outcast . That sits at the back of the class room .
He is spectaculaily unique and misunderstood by his own kind .
Shy , sensitive and smart . He finds it hard to speak up for himself .
The alien is the female refugee . Who has come to a new country .
Leaving her beloved but torn home , behind her .
She arrives with her family and works every hour of the day , to provide for them .
The alien is the creature who is left in a dark corner and is condemned by society .
The ....
Alchol addict
Struggling single mother
Brightest child in the school .
The alien is anyone .
Who has ever known , what is has been like to not belong .